Fast Windows Desktop Repairs
Windows desktop repairs don’t have to take weeks. At MacDroid’s we repair PCs in our East Maitland workshop. You don’t have to wait long for your PC to be back up and running.
Windows desktop computers can be a wonderful tool or they can be a nighmare. Repairing any faults and keeping your computer in top condition is essential to smooth operation and decreases expensive downtime.
If you’re having computer problems Macdroid’s can help you. We repair all branded and unbranded windows desktop computers. We only supply high quality parts and plain and we don’t baffle you with jargon.
Faulty Hard Disks
Firstly we attempt to recover your computer to a working state so you can access your files and software. Be aware that not all hard drives can be accessed and we recommend that you regularly backup your hard drive in case of failure. Where possible we perform data recovery and supply and fit a replacement hard drive.
Computers Not Starting or Failing?
If your computer will not start or is crashing to the blue screen of death (BSOD) this could be for a wide range or reasons, from failed updates, outdated hardware drivers, hardware failure to corrupted system files. We can find the problem and in the vast majority of cases provide you with a solution.
Viruses and Malware Removal
If your windows desktop becomes infected by a virus or malware you may find that your personal information is at risk and/or your computer will not operate correctly. We have experience in the removal of these unwanted problems and can often return your computer to it’s previous state. If we are unable to remove the virus or malware we can discuss with you a suitable strategy to recover any of your important data. We always recommend you have a reputable antiviral and firewall software package running at all times to protect your information and data.
Internal Computer Cleaning
Many computer failures are the result of dust and debris inside the computer. Dust and debri clogs fans and creates static electicity which can cause you computer to overheat and fail. Cleaning the internal components of your computer should be carried regularly by a professional, as more damage can be caused if you do not understand the risks and the correct procedure. After we give you computer a good clean out you will notice the difference in performance immediately, and those annoying problems will be gone.
Windows Computer Upgrades
Want a faster computer? More memory to store your important stuff? Upgrading makes better financial sense than buying a new computer. We can upgrade your RAM Memory, install a faster hard drive or install an additional hard drive to increase the amount of space available for your data. We also have a range of refurbished computer available in our East Maitland shop.
Computer Decommissioning (data wiping)
This is particularly important for businesses who are disposing of their computers or hard drives. The last thing a business needs is someone from outside their organisation accessing important data and risk a law suit for breach of privacy. Many people do not realise that even after you delete the data from your computer there are still traces that could be accessed by a person with sinister intentions. Decommissioning wipes all data COMPLETLEY so it is then safe to dispose of the computer or hard drive.
Got Another Problem?
If your computer problem is not listed above we can often identify the problem using our diagnotic software and find a solution for you. Just hit the Get Help button below and we will get back to you.